Practical Action Publishing latest publications – June
A mine and a wealth of resources for professionals, students and adherents of rural water supply. Against a historical context, Prof Carter outlines the practical steps needed to improve rural water supply for rural people in low and middle income countries. He expounds this by bringing out the latest, proven and best practices available in rural water supply from the perspective of the poorest communities in rural areas.’
Javan Nkhosi, water engineer, consultant, and author, Zambia
Young Feminisms
Caroline Sweetman, Imogen Davies
Against the backdrop of the #MeToo and #AidToo revelations, sexual abuse and harassment, and targeting and persecution by governments is a reality for many young activists campaigning on feminist issues. Young feminists are challenging international development policymakers and practitioners, national governments, and development donors of all kinds to recognise their right to shape development itself. This collection explores how young women’s movements, along with the support they need, can offer a model of political, intersectional work to guide and re-politicise international development.
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