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What is development studies and decolonising development.

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DSA Webinar: Where are we after COP26 and what is needed now?

Where has COP26 has left us in relation to key issues around the climate emergency? This DSA hosted panel of experts reflect on the progress made by to limit climate change.


  • Dr Amani Aboud Zeid, African Union Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy
  • Meena Raman, Third World Network 
  • Chukwumerije Okereke, Professor of Global Climate and Environmental Governance and Co-Director of Climate and Justice Centre, University of Reading
  • Simon Maxwell, ODI, on aid/climate change links
  • Chair: Dr Emily Wilkinson, Senior Research Fellow, ODI; Chief Scientific Adviser, CREAD-Dominica; ​Co-Director, Caribbean Resilience and Recovery Knowledge Network (CRRKN)


First, speaker share their views on outcomes from COP26. Then, they look forward to COP27, set to be hosted in Egypt, and explore what is needed from the next key political moment to advance climate action. Both parts of the webinar are followed by a Q&A with the audience.

This webinar took place online on 8th December 2021 and was FREE to attend.

About COP26

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) Conferences of the Parties (COP) aim to review the progress made by its members to limit climate change. The most recent meeting (COP26), took place in Glasgow last month.

Notably, member states agreed to accelerate their plans toward net-zero carbon goals, by strengthening their emissions reduction targets for 2030 by next year, instead of 2025 as set out in the Paris Agreement (2015). Alongside which the need to reduce global greenhouse-gas emissions by 45% by 2030 was also formally recognised. In addition, the Adaptation Fund received a record-shattering US$ 356 million in new support from contributing national and regional governments, including first-time contributors U.S  and Canada. Besides these official outcomes, the ‘catalyst’ effect also worked, with several coalitions and partnerships announced.

For further information contact:

Laura Roberts
DSA Communications Manager
E: [email protected]

About the DSA

The Development Studies Association (DSA) is a UK based membership organisation for all those studying, researching and teaching in the field of global development. The DSA promotes and advances international development as a field of study, research and action. We aim to deepen understanding of how global poverty, inequalities, conflict and environmental destruction are produced, sustained and may be overcome, and how a better future may be advanced. The DSA is a membership organisation, with both individual and institutional members, and is wholly funded through its membership premiums and activities.

For more news and insights from the DSA follow us on Twitter and Facebook, or visit our website.