DSA2022: A step-by-step guide to the conference methodology
DSA 2022(6-8 July), is hosted and organised by UCL. The conference brings together researchers and practitioners in the development studies field. DSA and UCL aim to provide a welcoming, inclusive, and safe forum where the development studies community can share work, discuss ideas and connect with others. To that end, DSA2022 adopts different approaches to get the most from the online format and create an inclusive event. Read on for a step-by-step guide to help delegates navigate this year’s conference methodology.
“Inspired by the digital pedagogy expertise of UCL, we want to prioritise wellbeing of all participants. We aim to reduce the downsides of spending too many passive hours on screen and maximise the time we have together to discus and debate new evidence, approaches and ideas,” says Andrea Rigon of the UCL organising committee. “The quality of engagement between participants in synchronous sessions is greatly improved when all have been able to access the content to be discussed in advance,” explains Rigon.
Conference sessions will be in a range of formats: they will include paper-based sessions and a variety of workshops, including roundtables and other more interactive formats. Crucially, all paper-based sessions are limited to 40 minutes. As there will be no time for full presentations during the conference itself, presenters must upload their papers in advance.
DSA2022 conference methodology guide
1. Prepare your presentation (a variety of formats and media are accepted, including video, audio and text).
2. Upload your presentation to Cocoa, the abstract management system used by DSA, by 15 June.
3. Schedule time in your diary to engage with conference materials ahead of the sessions you plan to attend.
4. During the conference: engage with conference materials, adding questions and comments for presenters ahead of sessions.

Visit the conference website’s methodology and preparation pages for full details and instructions on how to create & upload your pre-recorded presentations.
For further information contact:
DSA Conference Organisation
E: [email protected]
This year’s DSA Annual Conference takes place online, from the 6 to the 8 July 2022. It is hosted and organised by University College London. The conference theme focuses on Just sustainable futures in an urbanising and mobile world. The conference adopts justice and equity as central normative lenses to explore just futures in an urbanising and mobile world, facing a climate and ecological crisis in a pandemic or post-pandemic context. Find out more about the conference on the conference website. Join the conversation by using #DSA2022.
About the DSA
The Development Studies Association (DSA) is a UK based membership organisation for all those studying, researching and teaching in the field of global development. The DSA promotes and advances international development as a field of study, research and action. We aim to deepen understanding of how global poverty, inequalities, conflict and environmental destruction are produced, sustained and may be overcome, and how a better future may be advanced. The DSA is a membership organisation, with both individual and institutional members, and is wholly funded through its membership premiums and activities.