NGO resources for better collaborations with researchers
Bond is the British membership association for NGOs working in international development. Bond helps NGOs and charities to be more effective and sustainable through their support services, tools and expertise. Sandra Martinsone, interim Head of Policy, Advocacy and Research at BOND, spoke on our webinar on NGO and researcher collaboration. Watch the video.
We share BOND and their members resources that aim to support better collaboration between NGOs and researchers.
- 8 principles for fair and inclusive research partnerships: from Bond.
- Engaging with research for real impact: from Bond.
- 5 recommendations for a research partnership that works for all involved: from Bond.
- A toolkit for research partnerships: from Christian Aid.
- A blog on the shift of research activity from the academic world toward the NGO world: by Pierre Basimise Ngalishi Kanyegere.
- A good example of researcher and NGO collaboration: from WaterAid.
More resources on collaboration:
- Slum Dwellers International’s resources on collaboration
- Watch the webinar on NGO and researcher collaboration
- Accountability Research Centre’s resources on collaboration
- Resources for fair and equitable development research partnerships – Christian Aid
- Beyond partnerships: embracing complexity to understand and improve research collaboration for global development
- Christian Aid: Rethinking research partnerships: discussion guide and toolkit
- Rethinking Research Collaborative
- IDS: Rethinking Research Impact through Principles for Fair and Equitable Partnerships
- Rethinking research partnerships: Evidence and the politics of participation in research partnerships for international development
- Danida: equitable partnerships in development research projects
- Oxfam guide to research ethics: