WICID September news
Peru Policy Brief by Susana Lozada
In May, WICID launched the Policy Brief Series with the first brief written by Susana Lozada, from a partner institution, Fundación Abba Colombia. This policy brief, titled Peru – Protests that have Left an Extremely Wealthy Country at a Loss: Is It Possible to Build a Bridge over the Divided? is available in both English and Spanish versions. The WICID Policy Brief Series addresses contemporary issues of international development and inequality within their four research areas: Gender; Mobility; Peace, Conflict, and Justice; Health. If you wish to contribute to this series, please contact them at [email protected] for more information.
Appreciative Inquiry Methods Lab Toolkit by Maartje Kletter
WICID published their newest Methods Lab toolkit Appreciative Inquiry: Change Based on What Goes Well, authored by Dr Maartje Kletter (University of Manchester). Appreciative Inquiry (AI) was initially developed as a research method, aimed at generative theory-building and inquiry. However, over time people started using AI for organisational change. AI is a process of discovery, aimed at building change based on the strengths of an existing team or organisation. This toolkit explains the underlying principles of AI and the ‘5-D cycle’ and presents potential questions that can be asked during each step of the cycle. Finally, this toolkit shares some examples of how AI has been used in hospitals in India and the tourism sector in Nepal. You can also find their other published toolkits here.
Think Development Out Loud with Sharifah Sekalala
WICID’s Think Development Out Loud series explores development from interdisciplinary perspectives through interviews with development scholars, practitioners, and professionals. Their latest Think Development Out Loud interview with Professor Sharifah Sekalala (Warwick School of Law, WICID Steering Committee) is available here on their YouTube channel. In this interview, Prof Sekalala comments on her project “There is no App for that: Regulating the Migration of Health Data in Africa” funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Novodisk Foundation.
WICID 2022-23 Annual Report
WICID is delighted to announce that the 2022-23 Annual Report is now available online. This academic year WICID has continued to develop its work through research, partnerships, and dissemination. The Report highlights WICID and their partners’ achievements throughout the year. They thank all those who have played a role and look forward to the opportunities 2023-24 will bring.