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What is development studies and decolonising development.

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Our conference this year is themed "Social justice and development in a polarising world"

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CDS, University of Bath, June news

Award-winning film ‘Cobalt Rush’ (produced by Roy Maconachie, Simon Wharf and Bossissi Nkuba) was screened at a special United Nations event. The documentary was shot on location in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and powerfully tells the story of cobalt extraction from the perspective of artisanal miners at the bottom of the supply chain, The screening took place at the UN Headquarters in New York, during the first-ever UN General Assembly Sustainability Week (15-19 April), convened by the President of the General Assembly. More information here.

Piotr Ozieranski’s recent paper on payments from medical device companies to the European healthcare sector, published in Health Policy and Technology, has attached extensive interest from the media, including The BMJThe Observer and The Irish Times. The paper emerges from research funded by the Swedish Research Council and international collaborations taking place within CASPS’ Transparency Theme.

Omar Khan was invited to give a public lecture at City University on his recent paper Judges as Agents of Coloniality: Understanding the Coloniality of Justice at the Pre-trial Stage in Brazil . Omar also presented his paper at the inaugural British Journal of Sociology Conference.

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