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We are the UK association for all those who research, study and teach global development issues

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What is development studies and decolonising development.

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We have around 1,000 members, made up of individuals and around 40 institutions

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Our conference this year is themed "Social justice and development in a polarising world"

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A series of workshops exploring North-South interdisciplinary research with key messages and reports

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KCL: August 2024 news

The future of development studies:

Kings College London hosted workshop Andy Sumner co-organised a workshop with Pritish Behuria (Manchester GDI) on ‘the future of development studies’ for the EADI 50th anniversary together with the DSA and University of Manchester. The workshop was followed by a roundtable summarising the discussion at the DSA conference in June. A special issue of the European Journal of Development Research is now under preparation.

News from researchers:

Andy Sumner spoke at a panel in Madrid on domestic politics and development policy, a panel on development studies and policy engagement, and  a Brussels event on EU development policy. Andy chaired a webinar on the question of global development as part of a collaboration between EADI and KAIDEC, the Korean association of international development, at their conference in Seoul, and a session at the World International Studies conference in Warsaw on conversations between development studies and international studies.

Current international poverty line a ‘misleading shortcut method’, say Michail Moatsos. current methods for calculating the international poverty line lead to a skewed picture of how poverty is distributed across the world – and this is hampering attempts to eradicate it. Read more.

Poverty and Inequality:

Andy had a paper on global poverty projections accepted by Global Policy journal and published new papers with UNU-WIDER on the cost of ending poverty and its global distribution (with a blog), and a survey paper on the politics of inequality (with an accompanying blog). Andy also wrote a blog and a brief on UK and EU global development cooperation in light of the change of UK government and a pre-election blog on the manifestos for the Centre for Global Development.