Submitting your first conference paper
First time submitting a paper for an academic conference? We have listed some of the benefits of presenting a paper at a conference as well as tips on how to submit – and be accepted.
Five reasons to submit your paper to DSA2025
- Submitting a paper to a conference will give you important early feedback that will be useful before you submit your paper for wider publication.
- At a conference panel you will receive feedback from a wide range of researchers and policy actors with alternative perspectives, disciplinary and otherwise. Questions asked by the panel’s audience could provoke further reflections for you.
- What happens outside the panel is also important. You’ll have the chance to build new relationships with other researchers as you network between panels and at the conference reception and/or social event. These informal post-conference discussions are also opportunities that can lead to new ideas.
- The DSA conference is a forum for a global community to collaborate and discuss as it will be both online and in person. We also support a number of researchers from the Global South to attend our conference in person to ensure diversity of through and representation.
- By submitting a paper to a panel you’re also building other skills; fine tuning your critical thinking and enhancing your presentation and communication skills.
What is a conference paper?
Your conference abstract is a short, stand-alone text that introduces your paper and/or presentation for a conference. The primary audience for your abstract is the panel convenors, and you will find their details on the panel web page. The secondary audience will be your panel attendees, who will be attracted to the panel based on the panel description. Your submission will include:
- a paper title
- a short abstract of fewer than 300 characters
- a long abstract of fewer than 250 words
- and of course the details of the author/s.
You should read all the requirements for submitting a paper before you begin writing your proposal.
- Your submission will be made via the DSA’s online form. To access this you:
- Navigate to the panel you’re submitting a paper to
- Click on the “proposal” button
- Either login, or if you’re new to the DSA website, create a profile
- You’ll then be able to make your submission.
- If the convenors of the panel have any questions for you, they will get in touch.