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We are the UK association for all those who research, study and teach global development issues

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What is development studies and decolonising development.

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Our conference this year is themed "Navigating crisis: dangers and opportunities in development"

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LSE – March 2025

In case you missed the “Is there a new Washington consensus?” event with Professor Robert Wade, you can watch the video recording to catch up. Professor Wade also wrote a blog post examining what American disengagement and growing resentment among emerging market and developing countries mean for the future of the IMF.

You can listen to a recent interview with Professor Jean-Paul Faguet on the brewing trade war between the US & Europe, with Corresponsales en Línea, the Latin American From Our Own Correspondent hosted from Buenos Aires, Sao Paolo, Paris, Berlin, London and Washington, DC.

Professor Tiziana Leone will be presenting oral evidence on “Conflict and Women and Girls’ Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR)” at the upcoming APPG on Global SRHR Inquiry. The session is scheduled for Wednesday, 5 March, from 16:30 to 18:00 at the House of Lords. This important event, hosted by the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, will also feature contributions from UNFPA, Gaps UK, and the Centre for Reproductive Rights.

Latest publications

Decolonizing Development Studies: Rejecting or Repurposing the Master’s Tools?. The European Journal of Development Research – Meagher, K.

‘[E]ven in our fear […] we wanted to do this’: feminist organising for abortion in Africa as palimpsestic. Culture, Health and Sexuality. Berro Pizzarossa, L., Coast, E., Kareithi, W., & Duffy, D.

The ‘ethical recruitment’ of international nurses: Germany’s liberal health worker extractivism. Review of International Political Economy. Hanrieder, T., & Janauschek, L.

Abortion and well-being: a narrative literature review. SSM – Qualitative Research in Health. Coast, Ernestina, Nandagiri, Rishita, Fry, Andra, de Almada, Midanna, Johnston, Heidi, Atay, Hazal, Ganatra, Bela, Lavelanet, Antonella, Alhassan, Nurudeen, Banke-Thomas, Aduragbemi and Berro Pizzarossa, Lucía

Explaining ethno-regional favouritism in Sub-Saharan Africa. World Development, Bandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra and Green, Elliott

Decentralised governance: crafting effective democracies around the world. Politics and Rights Review. Faguet, Jean-Paul and Pal, Sarmistha.