Our Aims and Objectives

We are the UK association for all those who research, study and teach global development issues

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What is Development Studies

What is development studies and decolonising development.

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Our Members

We have around 1,000 members, made up of individuals and around 40 institutions

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Find out about our constitution, how we are run and meet our Council

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Meet our Council members and other staff who support the running of DSA

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The DSA Conference is an annual event which brings together the development studies community

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Our conference this year is themed "Navigating crisis: dangers and opportunities in development"

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Past Conferences

Find out about our previous conferences

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Study Groups

Our Study Groups offer a chance to connect with others who share your areas of interest

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Students and ECRs

Students and early career researchers are an important part of our community

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Our book series with OUP and our relationship with other publishers

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Decolonising Development

The initiatives we are undertaking that work towards decolonising development studies

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Membership Directory

Find out who our members are, where they are based and the issues they work on

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Short courses relevant to global development researchers and practitioners

Courses at the Institute of Development Studies.

Poverty-focused mixed methods research and evaluation
This online course highlights ways in which both quantitative and qualitative methods can be brought together, to more effectively examine poverty and inequality reduction. If your work or research is to address poverty and inequality, IDS’s online course will help you understand, design, and implement mixed methods research and evaluations.
April 02 to 30, 2025. Online.

Poverty-focused mixed methods research and evaluation

Using participatory action research to improve development practice
Develop your knowledge and skills to bring participatory action research into your social change work.  IDS’s in-person course will equip you with the conceptual and practical tools to design and carry out PAR in your own organisations. You will also gain a practical understanding of how to achieve rigour using participatory methods. 
May 12 to 16, 2025. IDS, Brighton, UK 

Using participatory action research to improve development practice

CIDT, Wolverhampton

Results-based management thinking tools and the logical framework approach
This course aims to provide exposure to a range of ‘thinking tools’ that facilitate Results Based Management (RBM). You will use practical approaches to learn how to apply these tools to design, manage and assess projects, programmes and organisational performance.

Monitoring, evaluation and learning
This course aims to provide a working knowledge of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) processes for practitioners working around the project cycle. You will gain useful knowledge to strengthen your overall confidence and capability to apply standard MEL approaches in programmes and projects.