Our Aims and Objectives

We are the UK association for all those who research, study and teach global development issues

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What is Development Studies

What is development studies and decolonising development.

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Our Members

We have around 1,000 members, made up of individuals and around 40 institutions

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Find out about our constitution, how we are run and meet our Council

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Meet our Council members and other staff who support the running of DSA

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The DSA Conference is an annual event which brings together the development studies community

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Our conference this year is themed "Navigating crisis: dangers and opportunities in development"

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Past Conferences

Find out about our previous conferences

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Study Groups

Our Study Groups offer a chance to connect with others who share your areas of interest

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Students and ECRs

Students and early career researchers are an important part of our community

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Our book series with OUP and our relationship with other publishers

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Decolonising Development

The initiatives we are undertaking that work towards decolonising development studies

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Membership Directory

Find out who our members are, where they are based and the issues they work on

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Registration fees

#DSA2025 conference takes place over 3 days: 25–27 June 2025.  The conference will take place as a hybrid conference organised and hosted by Centre for Development Studies, University of Bath.

Everyone attending the conference, whatever your role, whether a presenter, convenor, chair, discussant, general attendee, needs to register. Even if someone else or an institution is paying for you, you will need to register. Registration covers entry to the conference, the welcome reception and tea breaks and lunches as indicated in the timetable.

You can pay when completing the registration process, but it is not obligatory as you are sent an invoice with 30 days to make your payment.

Registration postponed and will open on 28 March

Please note the fees below are provisional and are subject to change


Provisional registration fees:

Day registration – non-member: £145
Day registration-member: £135




Non-member: £345

Non-member concession: £220 (student, gN academic on either precarious/short contracts < 1 year or fractional, retired global North academic).
Add your current status to the comment box, e.g. ‘precarious position’ OR ‘retired’.

Member: £270 (+ Membership £64/yr)
*global North policy makers and civil society/NGO workers can register at this rate without the need for membership

Member concession gN: £190 (+ Membership £11 or 32/yr) (student, gN academic on either precarious/short contracts < 1 year or fractional, retired global North academic)

Member concession gS: £190 (+ Membership £0/yr)
(member in the global South)
*Only colleagues from and based in low- or middle-income countries can sign up to the fee waiver DSA membership category.


Non-member: £195

Non-member concession: £115 (student, gN academic on either precarious/short contracts < 1 year or fractional, retired global North academic).
Add your current status to the comment box, e.g. ‘precarious position’ OR ‘retired’.

Member: £155 (+ Membership £64/yr)
*global North policy makers and civil society/NGO workers can register at this rate without the need for membership

Member concession: £90 (+ Membership £0, 11 or 32/yr)
(student, gN academic on either precarious/short contracts < 1 year or fractional, retired global North academic)
*Only colleagues from and based in low- or middle-income countries can sign up to the fee waiver DSA membership category.

Please note that while joining DSA is not compulsory we strongly encourage you to do so, and support the community! Signing up for membership and paying the membership fee is a separate process from registering for the conference and paying the registration fee but we can send you one invoice for both fees if you wish, just email us and request that.

Membership for students is only £11. All those from and residing in low and middle-income countries can become a DSA member for free. For further information about DSA membership and to join up, please visit the DSA membership page.


The call for Funding is now CLOSED and decisions expected on 3 April.


Registrations cancelled (notifying us by email) more than three weeks (before 7 June) before the conference will be refunded, less a small amount to cover administrative and finance costs. Cancellations made within three weeks of the event will be ineligible for such a refund, due to costs already incurred. Refunds at that point will be discretionary.