2018 – Global inequalities
University of Manchester
This conference focused on global inequalities, challenging the traditional geographies of development, and demanding investigation of the power relations that generate wealth and poverty within and between countries and regions. It also emphasised the many dimensions of inequality, including gender, class, climate, race and ethnicity, region, nationality, citizenship status, age, (dis)ability, sexuality, and religion and the ways these reinforce or counteract each other.
Plenary Speakers
José Gabriel Palma (University of Cambridge & USACH)
Ann Marie Goetz (New York University)
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr (The New School)
Dorcas Erskine (ActionAid)
Alex Cobham (Tax Justice Network)
Frances Stewart (University of Oxford)
Jan Nederveen Pieterse (UC Santa Barbara)
Development and Change Annual Lecture and Interview
José Gabriel Palma – The spectrum of inequality in the era of neo-liberal globalisation: diversities of fundamentals, or a multiplicity of political settlements and market failures?
DSA2018 conference programme
Title: DSA2018: Global inequalities: Development Studies Association: https://doi.org/10.22582/DSA2018prg
Summary: This conference programme details the panels, papers, and events that form the DSA annual conferences at the University of Manchester, 27th – 29th June 2018.
- Timetable
- Welcome to DSA2018
- Theme
- Practical information
- Manchester guide
- Events and meetings
- Book Exhibit
- Panel streams
- Daily timetable
- Panel and paper abstracts
- List of participants: Convenors, chairs, discussants and presenters
- Map