DSA Scotland

DSA Scotland holds one day and mini conferences promoting cross-regional and cross-disciplinary dialogue between PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and academics with expert knowledge working on development issues. A major rationale for holding these meetings is to encourage Development Studies researchers and students based in Scotland to engage in discourse, with DSA national (and other study group) meetings being held a considerable distance away, involving prohibitive time and expense for any travel to these national meetings.
- Mozammel Huq, University of Strathclyde: m.m.huq(at)strath.ac.uk
- Michael Tribe, University of Glasgow: Michael.Tribe(at)glasgow.ac.uk
Management team:
In addition to the two convenors above, the DSA Scotland management team is made up of:
- Dina Nziku: dina.nziku(at)uws.ac.uk (University of the West of Scotland)
- Ben Hunter: benjamin.Hunter(at)glasgow.ac.uk (University of Glasgow)
- Graeme Young: Graeme.Young.2(at)glasgow.ac.uk (University of Glasgow)
Join our mailing list
Sign up to the study group mailing list for this study group if you are interested in Scotland and development issues.
If you’re not already, please do consider becoming a member of the DSA before joining a study group.
Forthcoming meetings
The 2025 annual meeting is currently being planned and further information will appear here in due course, and will be sent to people on the DSA Scotland mailing list.
Previous meetings
- The DSA Scotland Study Group held the 2024 mini-conference on Friday 6th September at the University of the West of Scotland in Paisley. The meeting was co-hosted by the UWS PCRC (Protracted Crisis Research Centre) and UWS CAREED (Centre for African Research on Enterprise and Economic Development). For more information, see full details.
- The DSA Scotland Study Group held a meeting on 3 July 2023 at the University of Glasgow. The principal theme was “Decolonising Aid” for the first session, with presentations on a wider range of international development issues in a second session, and current doctoral research students will be making presentations in the third session. You can read the full report and a summary of the day. Neoliberal Policies for Economic Development: Critical Review. See the full call here.
- January 2020, Strathclyde University: DSA Scotland meeting. You can see the report from this meeting here and you can access/download the presentations via the SG convenor’s website.
- August 2019, University of the West of Scotland: CAREED Conference. At the end of August CAREED (Centre for African Research on Enterprise and Economic Development) held its Annual Conference at the University of the West of Scotland, where it is based. Read the report. For further details about the conference please go to the UWS website and search for CAREED, or contact Professor John Struthers or Dr Dina Nziku.
- June 2018, University of Glasgow: DSA Scotland meeting: Contemporary approaches to development policy.
- December 2017, University of Strathclyde: DSA Scotland meeting. The main theme for discussions was “Education for all (EFA): The UN Agenda”.